
I think I was sexually assaulted at work?

Not sure if this is the right place for this but last year at a Christmas work party, I (28M) was leaning at the bar and my managing director (45F) jokingly slapped my ass. I was a little shocked at the time but for some reason I made a quick joke and laughed it off. She did apologise as soon as I made my joke and she did seem genuinely embarrassed. Now usually, I would be firm with someone and tell them that it’s not appropriate to touch me but as this is a very small company and she is the managing director, I didn’t want to do or say anything that may jeopardise my employment. I don’t really have any issue with her in general, she’s actually always been very nice to me; the issue I have is I hate the fact I feel like someone has invaded my…

Not sure if this is the right place for this but last year at a Christmas work party, I (28M) was leaning at the bar and my managing director (45F) jokingly slapped my ass. I was a little shocked at the time but for some reason I made a quick joke and laughed it off. She did apologise as soon as I made my joke and she did seem genuinely embarrassed.

Now usually, I would be firm with someone and tell them that it’s not appropriate to touch me but as this is a very small company and she is the managing director, I didn’t want to do or say anything that may jeopardise my employment. I don’t really have any issue with her in general, she’s actually always been very nice to me; the issue I have is I hate the fact I feel like someone has invaded my personal space and I am unable to really defend myself. The company is very small & nepotism is rife so any real mention of my grievance is almost certainly career suicide. Everybody in senior management and even lower management are all either long time friends or related.

I like the company, I get paid decent money to do work I can complete with my eyes closed so I don’t want to rock the boat, but I just can’t shake the feeling of “being taken advantage of and not being able to fight back.” Should I just let it slide and be grateful I have a decent job at a decent company? Any advise appreciated!!

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