
If a job posting moves their application deadline back, should I assume I’m not getting the job?

I applied for a position at a school district that I felt I was pretty qualified for. Nearly minimum wage, would make less than I do now, but it’s a subject I’m experienced in and I’d help support the after school program that I know the district loves. Plus, the employers were already familiar with me. I submitted an application, got an interview, and they told me that I’d hear back in the next week or so. Well, it’s been 2 weeks. I’ve not heard anything, though I assumed it was because it was spring break and nobody was working, but when I went to look at the job posting, the deadline moved from 3/31 to 6/2. I really wanted this position, but I’m afraid I didn’t get it. Is that basically confirmation that I didn’t get the job? Or should send a follow up email? My apologies if this…

I applied for a position at a school district that I felt I was pretty qualified for. Nearly minimum wage, would make less than I do now, but it’s a subject I’m experienced in and I’d help support the after school program that I know the district loves. Plus, the employers were already familiar with me. I submitted an application, got an interview, and they told me that I’d hear back in the next week or so.

Well, it’s been 2 weeks. I’ve not heard anything, though I assumed it was because it was spring break and nobody was working, but when I went to look at the job posting, the deadline moved from 3/31 to 6/2.

I really wanted this position, but I’m afraid I didn’t get it. Is that basically confirmation that I didn’t get the job? Or should send a follow up email?

My apologies if this doesn’t belong here

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