
DAE get irrationally angry when people complain about how easy their job is?

I live the 9-5 corporate life and my job isn't the worst, but isn't fun either. The department I'm in is understaffed, so no matter how hard or how long you could work, you'd never run out of time sensitive projects that need to be handled. I'm also barely making a minimum wage. What drives me absolutely bonkers is how many people I've seen complaining about how easy their job was at their previous company. My old boss literally switched to our department because he “had nothing to do but watch shows and nap all day.” I just recently saw a thread on Twitter of loads of people complaining about their jobs where they have “nothing to do.” And what inspired me to write this post was overhearing someone a cubicle over literally complaining about how everyone at their previous company watched Netflix all day because they “had so much…

I live the 9-5 corporate life and my job isn't the worst, but isn't fun either.

The department I'm in is understaffed, so no matter how hard or how long you could work, you'd never run out of time sensitive projects that need to be handled. I'm also barely making a minimum wage.

What drives me absolutely bonkers is how many people I've seen complaining about how easy their job was at their previous company.

My old boss literally switched to our department because he “had nothing to do but watch shows and nap all day.” I just recently saw a thread on Twitter of loads of people complaining about their jobs where they have “nothing to do.” And what inspired me to write this post was overhearing someone a cubicle over literally complaining about how everyone at their previous company watched Netflix all day because they “had so much time on their hands.”

How in the world are people complaining about getting paid to relax!? You think you would be thanking every God you can think of for a blessing like that falling into your lap.

And these aren't people who are making bank either. These are underpaid people complaining about how they had to relax too much and saying how happy they are to be working harder, while still being underpaid. One of the people I mentioned literally took a cut in pay from their previous position because they wanted to work harder.

I literally feel like I stepped onto an alien planet every time this conversation comes up. I don't know why I can't ever seem to find these easy jobs that people complain about so much about. I would love to have a workload that matches my wage.

Edit: Typos

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