
I’m caving to a constructive discharge and quitting this morning, is it still wrongful termination?

Tl;Dr Does bullying an employee to an extreme so hard because you want to quit fall under wrongful termination? This is my specific situation (and rant); I loved my job… until one manager started harassing and bullying me after I didn't take on her work load. She's menaced at me by holding a knife to me and actually assaulted me after weeks of intense bullying and loudly complaining about me/throwing me under the bus. I didn't even refuse her work- I wanted more training and information on certain aspects and she outright refused and got belligerent. The other manager I've brought issues to has become “good like a durian” friends with the other manager. Although she was being bullied so hard by the first manager when she first got here that I was used as a crutch and the entire thing began to make ME uncomfortable! She's illegally blamed me…

Tl;Dr Does bullying an employee to an extreme so hard because you want to quit fall under wrongful termination?

This is my specific situation (and rant);
I loved my job… until one manager started harassing and bullying me after I didn't take on her work load. She's menaced at me by holding a knife to me and actually assaulted me after weeks of intense bullying and loudly complaining about me/throwing me under the bus. I didn't even refuse her work- I wanted more training and information on certain aspects and she outright refused and got belligerent.

The other manager I've brought issues to has become “good like a durian” friends with the other manager. Although she was being bullied so hard by the first manager when she first got here that I was used as a crutch and the entire thing began to make ME uncomfortable! She's illegally blamed me for not accepting a hostile environment as part of my mental health disabilities. She has been actively contributing to the horrible situation for over a month now. She comes over to my desk to harass me as if just to see if I heard their conversation. I act like I didn't, but text it all to my fiance to have a record. She thinks I am deaf and gifts me things the day after loudly saying awful things about me , snapping at me, or shouting at me. Very abusive patterns of behavior. Says constantly negative things about me with the other manager but is very two-faced, she constantly texts me and seeks me out???
This has been going on for months now.

I'm so tired of losing sleep and being sick to my bowels every morning over terrible people. I haven't had my solid 7.7 hours of sleep in weeks.

I'm driving my equipment back this morning and throwing the owner an email. He was actually decent, but he is unfortunately being painted to be an unapproachable bad guy by his management team that obviously does not want employees comfortable going to him. Guy is blindly trusting the most unprofessional, inappropriate, and catty managers I've ever witnessed. His wife adds to it by coming into the office and loudly bad-mouthing employees based on the limited information selectively fed to her by the managers. Absolutely makes for a wildly inappropriate, intimidating, and hostile environment.

After that's done, I'm taking all the time date logs and audio recording evidence (SINGLE PARTY CONSENT STATE, WOOP WOOP!) I've collected since February when this shit show started getting really bad. They're getting reported to the EEOC and every applicable entity. I hope I am the last person they pull this with and learn some labor and civil rights in the process.
I straight up told them I would report it if they did not stop targeting my mental health disabilities… Aaaaaad they doubled down on being terrible and used it as another source of ridicule. These people need to held accountable.
Asking to be treated like a human being and not be struck and belittled at work was a reasonable accommodation for the manic depression/anxiety I've been open about fully managing, but any information I've given them has been weaponized immensely. Most people would start breaking down if their manager they had really respected began bullying them, talking shit, HITTING THEM… Weeks and months on end now. They simply have zero recognition of that. I still love my job, but there's a group of people to work with out there that aren't terrible and respect labor rights.

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