
I’m so tired of being judged for being on my phone when I have free time while others chit chat for HOURS without getting work done and it’s seen as “normal”.

I work a salaried position, which I feel like is important info because I'm not being paid by the hour. My company in general is better than most in terms of “if you get your work done on time the rest doesn't matter much to us”. However there are still a lot of boomers in my company that I can see and overhear judging me when I scroll my phone at work while I have downtime. How is that any different than them spending time shooting the shit about fishing or politics or weather or whatever else? They aren't getting work done in that time either, so why am I being given the side eye just because I spend my free time at work differently? Then on top of that sometimes I'll leave an hour early if I get my work done ahead of schedule. Enter that same side eye.…

I work a salaried position, which I feel like is important info because I'm not being paid by the hour. My company in general is better than most in terms of “if you get your work done on time the rest doesn't matter much to us”. However there are still a lot of boomers in my company that I can see and overhear judging me when I scroll my phone at work while I have downtime. How is that any different than them spending time shooting the shit about fishing or politics or weather or whatever else? They aren't getting work done in that time either, so why am I being given the side eye just because I spend my free time at work differently? Then on top of that sometimes I'll leave an hour early if I get my work done ahead of schedule. Enter that same side eye. Just because you spent hours talking fluff and now have to stay late doesn't mean I also have to do that. I manage my time well, I leave early. You yourself said that was okay. If my work is done, what's the point of me staying here? So I can talk to you about the weather for the 57294857th day in a row? Fuck that. It's a weird double standard because again my company tells people they can leave early if they get their work done, but then there's hypocrisy from a lot of people who judge when someone actually leaves early or takes a day off. Can't relate to that mentality.

I know I have it better than most and I should just ignore it. Boomers will be boomers. Just wanted to say this somewhere.

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