
Ive become an ageist because of work/economy

Being in my early 30s i cant help but finding myself automatically hating the older generation people, especially after having worked along side them for many years. These people who took everything from our generation. These people who ruined our futures and our planet. Then they expect us to treat them with respect because we treat “elders with respect”. I cant do it anymore. I know its not every older individual that has that boomer mindset. I know many people probably struggle during that time as well. But i just cant do it. Instead of seeing an older individual and thinking “they must be a wealth of experience and wisdom”. I instead just think “wow there is another idiot boomer who drank to much lead water and now cant tie their shoes correctly let alone understand or care about anything that actually matters”. Does anyone else feel this way or…

Being in my early 30s i cant help but finding myself automatically hating the older generation people, especially after having worked along side them for many years. These people who took everything from our generation. These people who ruined our futures and our planet. Then they expect us to treat them with respect because we treat “elders with respect”. I cant do it anymore. I know its not every older individual that has that boomer mindset. I know many people probably struggle during that time as well. But i just cant do it. Instead of seeing an older individual and thinking “they must be a wealth of experience and wisdom”. I instead just think “wow there is another idiot boomer who drank to much lead water and now cant tie their shoes correctly let alone understand or care about anything that actually matters”. Does anyone else feel this way or am i just a bitter AH at this point?

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