
Why are there so many toxic bosses?

This has been on my mind for quite a while. I've left a few places of employment for this reason alone. I can't seem to figure out WHY this is so commonplace. I am fortunate to have landed a spot in a place where my superiors treat me like a person. However, in the past, I've left employers due to being bullied by my superiors. My last director would tell other superiors total lies about me. It got to the point that I ended up leaving solely because of her. To add fuel to the fire, she was completely incapable of doing her job. Her assistant could run that place without her but made 30k less. Before that, I left another job because my superior would bully (write up others, refuse to approve vacations when there was no valid reason, lie to manipulate situations – always to the people she…

This has been on my mind for quite a while. I've left a few places of employment for this reason alone. I can't seem to figure out WHY this is so commonplace. I am fortunate to have landed a spot in a place where my superiors treat me like a person.

However, in the past, I've left employers due to being bullied by my superiors. My last director would tell other superiors total lies about me. It got to the point that I ended up leaving solely because of her. To add fuel to the fire, she was completely incapable of doing her job. Her assistant could run that place without her but made 30k less.

Before that, I left another job because my superior would bully (write up others, refuse to approve vacations when there was no valid reason, lie to manipulate situations – always to the people she hated). To the ones she loved, she'd let them commit murder and get away with it. While it never directly landed on me, I saw that it would surely come, and didn't like seeing others abused, so I left.

I have found myself asking many times, WHY?!?! Why do employers hire people like this and keep them?! My husband says it's because they all kiss the right butts and that there are loads of people who are in spots they have no business being in.

Additionally, WHY do they do it? What makes someone want to be so mean to everyone to the point it sends them out the door???

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