
Got fired today, and I dont even know why..

I got fired today at work. My manager took me into the office and said, “I've got the impression that you don't have the experience or knowledge required as a service carpenter and therefore I have to fire you”. so I replied: “okay, but how did you get that idea then? did I do something wrong?” The manager: “no no, you haven't done anything wrong just like that.” Me: “but are there any customers who have complained about any of the things I've done?, because at the same time I've never felt that I was never able to do any of the work I was given…” The manager: “no, it's not that, nobody has complained, It's rather the other way around, you've actually even received some praise for the work you've done, but eh, but it's also that most of the carpenters here have their own car and go around…

I got fired today at work. My manager took me into the office and said, “I've got the impression that you don't have the experience or knowledge required as a service carpenter and therefore I have to fire you”.

so I replied: “okay, but how did you get that idea then? did I do something wrong?”

The manager: “no no, you haven't done anything wrong just like that.”

Me: “but are there any customers who have complained about any of the things I've done?, because at the same time I've never felt that I was never able to do any of the work I was given…”

The manager: “no, it's not that, nobody has complained, It's rather the other way around, you've actually even received some praise for the work you've done, but eh, but it's also that most of the carpenters here have their own car and go around with apprentices”

Me: “But I've done a lot of work myself already, so maybe I can take a car that's parked out here and take an apprentice with me?”

The manager: “well, we don't really know where to place you either and we've got the impression that you don't have the necessary experience and knowledge”

Me: “but I've managed all the assignments I've been given and even received praise from the customer, so I do have the knowledge right?” the manager: “yeah, but I'm sorry…you're going to have a child now right?, ah, it's sad that I have to say it like this now, but at least you have 2 weeks that you can stay and look for a new one”

Me: “yeah, I guess I'll have to apply again, but I don't even understand why”

the manager: “I'm sorry, unfortunately now it turned out like this, I'm sorry, you can hand in your tools, clothes and your ID06 on your last day, I'm sorry”

Later we ended the meeting there because he had an errand he had to go on, he said. so then it became nothing more of the meeting after he hurried out.. So my question is. Can you do that as an manager? or am I stupid? Did I get a real reason why I couldn't stay?.

I have been told by others that it may be due to the fact that I will become a father and that therefore the company did not want to keep me. Because I will have to be at home sometimes due to children get sick time to time?… I am realy confiused to why i got fired.

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