
My gf is going through hell at work.

The title says it all. She (25F) is an assistant manager at a very popular burrito place. She works 65 hours per week and is always so exhausted. It makes me so sad to see how working over a hot grill for 11+ hours daily has impacted her body. Shes always being bullied by her supervisor, she’s been written up for taking the hour long break she deserves, she’s been written up for refusing to lift a box that was over 85lbs (because she has a health condition) and there’s been a long list of labour violations on top of those that she’s simply too exhausted to pursue. Her team (aside from her manager) loves her. She is so fundamentally good it’s almost cliche. She hires immigrants, those who live in halfway houses and neurodiverse workers (not in a charity way tho she’s very respectful) She gives people second chances…

The title says it all. She (25F) is an assistant manager at a very popular burrito place. She works 65 hours per week and is always so exhausted. It makes me so sad to see how working over a hot grill for 11+ hours daily has impacted her body. Shes always being bullied by her supervisor, she’s been written up for taking the hour long break she deserves, she’s been written up for refusing to lift a box that was over 85lbs (because she has a health condition) and there’s been a long list of labour violations on top of those that she’s simply too exhausted to pursue.

Her team (aside from her manager) loves her. She is so fundamentally good it’s almost cliche. She hires immigrants, those who live in halfway houses and neurodiverse workers (not in a charity way tho she’s very respectful) She gives people second chances if they mess up at work and has been learning to speak the same language as some of her co-workers to help them feel more welcome in Canada before they’re fluent in English. She really advocates for people her boss doesn’t want to hire.

She’s a beautiful human on the outside (and inside), but her health has really declined mentally and physically. She comes home and goes to sleep as soon as her head hits the pillow, she’s losing weight, she cries in the car, her hands are literally peeling from what I can imagine is contact with cleaning chemicals and hot surfaces. She makes less than 50k yearly which in Canada doesn’t get you far and her boss is trying everything in her power to make my girlfriends life hell.

I’m not really looking for advice on how to get her out (but kind thoughts are welcome) because she will quit and file a report as soon as she finds a different place to work. I just wanted to rant to likeminded people because this fills me with righteous rage and I wish things were different.( Please be kind )

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