
It’s a marriage made in heaven.

You don't want to work and your employer doesn't want to hire you. For all their self promotion about “employees are our most valuable resource” and whatever other BS they trot out, there isn't a business in the world that actually wants employees. Anything they can automate that saves a nickel, they'll automate. Employees are actually the worst part of running a business. Every employee I've eliminated has made things run smoother and better with fewer customer complaints, less work and more profit. I'm now down to “0 employees” and couldn't be happier.

You don't want to work and your employer doesn't want to hire you.

For all their self promotion about “employees are our most valuable resource” and whatever other BS they trot out, there isn't a business in the world that actually wants employees.

Anything they can automate that saves a nickel, they'll automate.

Employees are actually the worst part of running a business. Every employee I've eliminated has made things run smoother and better with fewer customer complaints, less work and more profit.

I'm now down to “0 employees” and couldn't be happier.

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