
AITA for giving my job “only” a month and a half notice before “quitting”?

I (22f) have been working at my country club job for 6 years. This winter they asked me if I would be pool manager for the summer. I told them I would consider it and ended up taking the position. Also, I am currently in the process of applying to medical school and my primaries are due May and secondaries in July. I thought I could manage both the pool and applications. However, I started the application process and realized how much work it actually is and after much consideration and breakdowns I realized it’s not realistic to do both. I talked to my manager (Sarah (30f)) and said I would love to do both but it’s not possible unless I burn myself out. I told her I can’t put 100% into both at the same time and I didn’t want to slack off in one so I have to…

I (22f) have been working at my country club job for 6 years. This winter they asked me if I would be pool manager for the summer. I told them I would consider it and ended up taking the position. Also, I am currently in the process of applying to medical school and my primaries are due May and secondaries in July. I thought I could manage both the pool and applications. However, I started the application process and realized how much work it actually is and after much consideration and breakdowns I realized it’s not realistic to do both. I talked to my manager (Sarah (30f)) and said I would love to do both but it’s not possible unless I burn myself out. I told her I can’t put 100% into both at the same time and I didn’t want to slack off in one so I have to choose. I chose applications over the position. My reasoning is applications are more important as it’s my career and this job is just a chapter of my life. I take both seriously but I have to put the rest of my life first. Sarah was not happy. She was livid and said I was screwing them over. She said the pool opens in a month and a half and it’s not enough time to hire someone and how she will be stuck down there all summer now. She proceeded to go on about how upset she is and asked in a bitchy condescending tone what are my plans for the summer. I said I talked to my other manager and she is giving me all the banquet hours (my original department/job) I want. Sarah didn’t like this. She talked to the general manager (Dave (45m)) and he wasn’t happy either. He said I knew well in advanced I have applications this summer and should have known I wouldn’t be able to do both. I tried to explain how I wanted to and thought I could do both but came to realize that I can’t without seriously impacting my mental health which isn’t great to start with. He doesn’t believe me and is giving me the silent treatment. A man twice my age who is suppose to manage and lead is giving me the silent treatment. Also, they know I am leaving in Sept. so they would have to hire someone for next season anyways. This was suppose to be a one time thing. Also, they wanted me to be lifeguard certified but weren’t willing to pay for the class. I said ok, but can I get a $2 pay raise since I have to pay for the class, swimsuit, etc. OR get a monthly bonus from the service charge like the rest of the staff. They said no. I was annoyed but still considered the job. Then they began to hold it over my head and lectured me on how I needed to act as a future manager- mainly at how I had to kiss their ass. I wasn’t willing to do this. Sarah wasn’t happy I wouldn’t kiss her ass and began talking shit about me to employees. I confronted her as I overheard it and she tried gaslighting me into being the problem. I became fed up with all of it and decided I don’t need the stress and turned down the position as I don’t want Sarah as my manager. AITA?

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