
Whelp she finally quit

I’m proud of her but I’ll try to keep it short and simple. I worked in a nursing home laundry department before I transferred to kitchen. I had a coworker A that worked in the laundry department as well that is 95% deaf in one ear and completely deaf in the other. A would work whenever and cover for anyone whom needed cover and make sure the Cnas had everything they needed as much as we could because we had to toss any linens that had a stain. Since I started about 2 months after A did I’ve noticed that our boss T would always make comments to everyone and say A can hear perfectly fine when when A would ask someone to remove their mask so she could read lips. T would do this ALL the time especially when A would meet a new coworker or resident A would…

I’m proud of her but I’ll try to keep it short and simple. I worked in a nursing home laundry department before I transferred to kitchen. I had a coworker A that worked in the laundry department as well that is 95% deaf in one ear and completely deaf in the other. A would work whenever and cover for anyone whom needed cover and make sure the Cnas had everything they needed as much as we could because we had to toss any linens that had a stain. Since I started about 2 months after A did I’ve noticed that our boss T would always make comments to everyone and say A can hear perfectly fine when when A would ask someone to remove their mask so she could read lips. T would do this ALL the time especially when A would meet a new coworker or resident A would then have to explain that is not true and her total hearing that she has. Then i noticed T would always tell A that she needs to focus on doing her job whenever she was speaking to someone not in our department, normally it is a resident stating they are missing x y or z clothing item and if A could please find them or a CNA stating that they needed x amount of an item for showers or a new resident, then it got to a point that T would purposely schedule A when she couldn’t work as she is a single mom. after T did more of the above and told A that she would not be scheduled for when her availability is.. so A went to T boss B and B told A that T is perfectly fine and that T had in fact not done any of the above listed. I’m honestly surprised she stuck it out as long as she did and she quit that day.. kicker is that T has to scramble to cover because she only has one other person. There is more that happened surrounding a new hire but haven’t been told exactly what it was yet

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