
Big Tech employee here..just gotta get some perspective

So, been with “a extremely large social Media company” for almost 5 years next month. We tend to get the news that layoffs are happening per the main stream media outlets, which sucks on another level, but given that they’re laying off another 10k between now and May, I’m kinda shitting my pants. I do well there. Perform admirably. Worked on massive global projects, made crazy change unbeknownst to the users, but hugely impactful for internal processes to increase efficiency. Here’s the perspective ask for those laid off before (because this is my first time experiencing this thru various Fortune 500 companies), should I care any further? My impact is on people and their growth, primarily, but genuinely, I could care less about the mission, the weaponized values, and direction. It was a blast to work there the past few years, but it’s turned into every other corporation out there.…

So, been with “a extremely large social
Media company” for almost 5 years next month. We tend to get the news that layoffs are happening per the main stream media outlets, which sucks on another level, but given that they’re laying off another 10k between now and May, I’m kinda shitting my pants.

I do well there. Perform admirably. Worked on massive global projects, made crazy change unbeknownst to the users, but hugely impactful for internal processes to increase efficiency.

Here’s the perspective ask for those laid off before (because this is my first time experiencing this thru various Fortune 500 companies), should I care any further? My impact is on people and their growth, primarily, but genuinely, I could care less about the mission, the weaponized values, and direction. It was a blast to work there the past few years, but it’s turned into every other corporation out there. Hate to see it get the heart ripped out, but so typical in capitalistic greed.

The pay rules, being someone not in CA, but pay like you are(ish), and genuinely anything else in my field will be probably 60% of what I make today (estimated), locally.

Next week, tech is going to take a hit – it’s known and public info. We all know this, it’s my field, and I’m somewhat shitting bricks.

For those laid off from major tech, what did you do afterwards? How did you represent yourself to be the best candidate possible for where you ultimately landed?

Appreciate any and all feedback here. I’m somewhat unsure of what to do with my hands, like Ricky Bobby.

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