
Yes this is going to be radical. You’re fighting a battle you don’t have to fight. Just quit your jobs, don’t pay your bills, steal from the grocery. The people who downvote are the enemy were fighting against. Same for all your posts. Anyone who says “no” or tries to change your mind. ENEMY.

Everyone good will at least sort of agree although you may not have reached your breaking point. I’m out here investigating, talking to hundreds of people, same story from sooo many of them. Family is against them, lost their good jobs and most of their money. Heading towards living in the car, maybe even had some police run ins etc etc. Oh and by enemy I mean the enemy has them mind controlled with COVID. Those who are still fighting we’ve gotta save our friends and family! I say…. CALL THEIR BLUFF! Stop talking, stop bickering and just give em the middle finger. If we all do it at once we win. Arrange meetups in your city. Band together it’s the only way cause they’re banded against us. Don’t be embarrassed. That’s how they knew we’d stay quite. Americans weakness.

Everyone good will at least sort of agree although you may not have reached your breaking point. I’m out here investigating, talking to hundreds of people, same story from sooo many of them.

Family is against them, lost their good jobs and most of their money. Heading towards living in the car, maybe even had some police run ins etc etc.

Oh and by enemy I mean the enemy has them mind controlled with COVID.
Those who are still fighting we’ve gotta save our friends and family!

I say….

Stop talking, stop bickering and just give em the middle finger. If we all do it at once we win.

Arrange meetups in your city. Band together it’s the only way cause they’re banded against us. Don’t be embarrassed. That’s how they knew we’d stay quite. Americans weakness.

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