
We have an office prankster and I feel like I’m losing my sanity

It’s always little things but it’s getting to the point where I cannot leave my computer unlocked or the language will change to something I cannot read like Russian or Sanskrit so I can’t search how to undo it. They’ve messed around with my chair so much that they broke one already – and I’m a fat woman so we’re walking a fine line to begin with. They touch my personal speaker: turn the volume on full, connect to the Bluetooth and play “I FEEL GOOD” by James Brown at full volume (someone already has cracked the cone so if you turn it all the way up, it just gets worse…I’m trying to make it last). My phone is always forwarded to god knows where and the handle is always unplugged. The ONLY person who find this funny is the prankster. I got in the office this morning and my…

It’s always little things but it’s getting to the point where I cannot leave my computer unlocked or the language will change to something I cannot read like Russian or Sanskrit so I can’t search how to undo it. They’ve messed around with my chair so much that they broke one already – and I’m a fat woman so we’re walking a fine line to begin with. They touch my personal speaker: turn the volume on full, connect to the Bluetooth and play “I FEEL GOOD” by James Brown at full volume (someone already has cracked the cone so if you turn it all the way up, it just gets worse…I’m trying to make it last). My phone is always forwarded to god knows where and the handle is always unplugged. The ONLY person who find this funny is the prankster.

I got in the office this morning and my speaker was touched (volume all the way down) and my chair was wrong…again. I lost it, y’all. I started crying. I felt like I was back in 6th and 7th grade and being called “Wendy the Whale” while everyone pointed and laughed at what I was wearing. It was just me in the office alone but I felt so awful. I just wanted to hide. I don’t want to cause any ruckus as I’ve only been here for 6 months…I just want to be left alone to do my job. It doesn’t make me feel “part of the team”…it makes me feel picked on for a reaction so someone can laugh at me.

I just needed to vent somewhere. Thanks for listening.

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