
the way pay periods work really screw over people who are job hunting

So i was thinking the other day and i kinda noticed another way it's expensive to be poor. Pay periods. When you start a new hourly job, most don't pay you until your second pay period there because they stsgger the hours you work so you aren't paid for them til the next two weeks, not this one. Let me lay out why this screws over poor people: i got laid off, i was a manager at a local resturaunt, was promised a future there, but the owners sold the business and the new owner replaced me with his son. Since then I've been doing doordash to keep some income coming while i look for a new job. But. In the town i live doordash sucks, im lucky to maje 60$ a day, and that's on weekends. Im literally living day to day. If i don't work every day til…

So i was thinking the other day and i kinda noticed another way it's expensive to be poor. Pay periods. When you start a new hourly job, most don't pay you until your second pay period there because they stsgger the hours you work so you aren't paid for them til the next two weeks, not this one.

Let me lay out why this screws over poor people: i got laid off, i was a manager at a local resturaunt, was promised a future there, but the owners sold the business and the new owner replaced me with his son.

Since then I've been doing doordash to keep some income coming while i look for a new job. But.

In the town i live doordash sucks, im lucky to maje 60$ a day, and that's on weekends. Im literally living day to day. If i don't work every day til the end of the month, i wont be able to pay rent.

I finally got a job offer. However here's the shit: i don't have enough money to pay for rent yet, and if i start today at my new job, i won't get a full paycheck until almost 4 weeks from now, my first one will maybe be for one full week at best, so if i accept the job, i wont be able to work doordash to make money while im working there, and wont be able to pay rent.

Ive pretty much been fucked into a situation where i can't accept a new job unless they pay me my first paycheck early because it will take so long to get my first check from pay period delay that ill miss my rent and i don't know how the fuck to get out of it because i don't make enough with doordash to save up anything to not make money for two weeks

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