
Toddler Tantrum “Supervisor”

I recently moved across the country and started a new job about 5 months ago. I love the owners and all my coworkers. Except one. My “supervisor”. He has a reputation here for being a jerk, and I was even warned about him before I even met him the day I started. I’ve also been told he’s chased off several people. Initially he was cool and I thought maybe he was just misjudged. Until he decided that I wasn’t listening (when I was just so overwhelmed with the chaos I inherited with my position) and decided to start talking behind my back to a coworker, one of the owners, and an independent contractor who works with us. I tried a couple different things to try and make it easier to remember and keep track of things and he was nasty and degrading to me about everything I tried. He also…

I recently moved across the country and started a new job about 5 months ago. I love the owners and all my coworkers. Except one. My “supervisor”. He has a reputation here for being a jerk, and I was even warned about him before I even met him the day I started. I’ve also been told he’s chased off several people.

Initially he was cool and I thought maybe he was just misjudged. Until he decided that I wasn’t listening (when I was just so overwhelmed with the chaos I inherited with my position) and decided to start talking behind my back to a coworker, one of the owners, and an independent contractor who works with us. I tried a couple different things to try and make it easier to remember and keep track of things and he was nasty and degrading to me about everything I tried. He also started talking to me like I was stupid even though I’ve been in this specialized industry for a decade, and I simply learned some different methods from what he’s used to, which he HATES. I’ve also seen him throw several fits and tantrums both at me and other people over minor inconveniences. His favorite thing is to just announce “I’m the Supervisor!” whenever something isn’t going exactly how he wants.

I’ve gone to the owners about the situation several times as new things happen, and we’ve had a meeting or two about some things that have happened.

I recently found out that he stalked my Facebook right around when he started talking about me behind my back, found out I’m a transgender man, and started asking OTHER PEOPLE invasive questions about me and my body, which bathroom I’d be using, and made comment about my photos of my several-months later healing progress top surgery photos, about how I “had photos of all my stuff cut off.” I even talked to the owners an this, who knew I’m trans, and had already been told he had done that by the person he told.

All they’ll do is give him a slap on the wrist.

Today something he suggested wasn’t working and just becoming a mess, so I switched to something else he’d suggested previously that ended up working better. He came over asking what I was doing, and I told him I had tried the one thing but it wasn’t working well, so I switched to the other. He got really upset and scoffed “do what you want” before storming off and throwing a box to the side.

Better yet, he signed up to be the one bringing treats for my birthday, and I just know he’s going to do something awful for that because he’s made it pretty clear he doesn’t like me.

My conundrum is that aside from this guy, I love my job, and everyone else who works here. But my supervisor is a known bully whom they will do next to nothing about. I want to stay here, but I won’t tolerate this guy throwing things around, and trying to make me miserable to drive me off.

Does anyone have any advice for how to deal with this situation? Or should I just go find another job, because it’s obvious they won’t take any action to deal with him?

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