
My boss is unbearable

I've had issues with this boss once before. She once got demoted and then eventually rehired as a supervisor because my workplace was desperate. She nitpicks me when I don't sign into my phone right as I clock in. I clock in at 8 am. She messages me at 7:58. I have been doing this job for 10 years. I'm well aware I need to sign into my phone. We do not get a lot of phone calls and there are at least 5 reps signed into their phones when I come in (three which happen to be her best friends). If she can't see me on Teams, she asks why (my icon is green but for some reason, she can't see it). Thus making me restart my computer multiple times before the icon turns green for her and she can see that I'm online. Yes she is messaging me…

I've had issues with this boss once before. She once got demoted and then eventually rehired as a supervisor because my workplace was desperate.

She nitpicks me when I don't sign into my phone right as I clock in. I clock in at 8 am. She messages me at 7:58. I have been doing this job for 10 years. I'm well aware I need to sign into my phone. We do not get a lot of phone calls and there are at least 5 reps signed into their phones when I come in (three which happen to be her best friends).

If she can't see me on Teams, she asks why (my icon is green but for some reason, she can't see it). Thus making me restart my computer multiple times before the icon turns green for her and she can see that I'm online. Yes she is messaging me while she claims that she can't see I'm online. I even sent her a screenshot of my Teams icon as proof.

She lectures me for about a half hour about not getting certain tasks done, thus wasting a half hour of my time that could have been spent working on the ridiculous workload she assigned me.

I'm at my breaking point with her. Keep in mind, I rarely call out, I'm always at my desk and one of the most productive members on the team.

Any advice? There is no point going to HR because they will turn around and tell her everything I say.

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