
Any advice to help my anxiety about finding a new job?

Hey so I've been working at my current job for about four years going on Five. It's definitely a step up from the previous job which was the Airport. However, recently the company I work at is struggling financially so the hours aren't great. They hardly ever give me a full shift. Over time, I've gotten really comfortable at my current job and I love the relationships I made with the workers and staff. But at the same time, I need to pay my bills. At the Airport, I was just a regular associate. It was fine. Tho I did notice, that they're very strict on stuff. Like we weren't allowed to leave until everything was stocked and zoned neatly. Which you can see how that's a problem because my dad would be outside waiting for me. Like the entire Airport was like this. There was also this rule if…

Hey so I've been working at my current job for about four years going on Five. It's definitely a step up from the previous job which was the Airport. However, recently the company I work at is struggling financially so the hours aren't great. They hardly ever give me a full shift. Over time, I've gotten really comfortable at my current job and I love the relationships I made with the workers and staff. But at the same time, I need to pay my bills.

At the Airport, I was just a regular associate. It was fine. Tho I did notice, that they're very strict on stuff. Like we weren't allowed to leave until everything was stocked and zoned neatly. Which you can see how that's a problem because my dad would be outside waiting for me. Like the entire Airport was like this. There was also this rule if they (some inspection people or some shit) found any empty pegs the store would get fine $500 for each one. And the entire thing was this Type A bullshit. The entire airport. So it did cause a bit of anxiety for me.

Well, things got worse when my dumbass decided to apply to be a supervisor. Which means I would supervise three stores as well as bringing stock to them. Well, I had to learn the hard way that they are a LOT harder on their supervisors. Like, one of the supervisors would be doing their jobs while they were sniffling and crying in front of the associates. I tried my best to do the job. One time I got reprimanded for wanting to take a trolly u-boat full of unstocked product back the stock room because we had no room for them. Well I broke down crying. These people were so uptight and did not settle for less than perfect. Anyway, the final straw is when me and another supervisor were counting the deposit and we found that a $100 (2 50's) was missing. Well the manager said if we couldn't find the bills we would be fired. So me and the other supervisor decided to get 50's out of our own pockets and give it to another supervisor. After that I put in my two weeks.

Anyway, what I really need is advice. What can I do to ensure I don't have another shitty experience like that again? Because as comfortable as I am at my current job, I need to find a better one but I'm really anxious about the change.

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