
I walked out. Finally had enough

This honestly was brewing for years. I just couldn't take it anymore and I just need to get it out. I had been with the same company for about 7 years. I definitely gave a lot to them over time. A few years in after the manager left, the owner took up the job of managing. Queue some favoritism and lots and lots of bullying. Generally when the owner got in a bad mood about every 6 months I would take all or the brunt of his rudeness. Well this Thursday I get in, I go to say hi. Immediately I'm cut off being told that he doesn't care, and I need to go clock in and get to work. Ok, no problem. Must be a busy day. About a half hour later I tell him I don't appreciate the way I was spoken to the moment I walked in.…

This honestly was brewing for years. I just couldn't take it anymore and I just need to get it out.

I had been with the same company for about 7 years. I definitely gave a lot to them over time. A few years in after the manager left, the owner took up the job of managing. Queue some favoritism and lots and lots of bullying. Generally when the owner got in a bad mood about every 6 months I would take all or the brunt of his rudeness.

Well this Thursday I get in, I go to say hi. Immediately I'm cut off being told that he doesn't care, and I need to go clock in and get to work. Ok, no problem. Must be a busy day.

About a half hour later I tell him I don't appreciate the way I was spoken to the moment I walked in. Well I guess this was too much for him. He snapped. He told me about how shit of a worker I was (not only had I just received a raise, but I've also gone above and beyond not only in times past but the past few months I've been picking up slack for a an injured coworker on top of my own duties).

Frankly, with him treating me like this and being an absolute peach to the other worker I decided I was gone. I marched myself out of there and had a new job within a few days. I don't ask for much, but come on. I'm not your emotional punching bag dude.

Why did I put up with the behaviour? Well I was hired as a teenager and didn't realize how bad it was for a long time. I realized after leaving that I was groomed emotionally so to speak. The owner only hires young students so that he can treat them how he wants, priming them for emotional mistreatment. I know as soon as I'm gone there's going to be some poor kid who's going to be taking his moods head on now. I hope they have enough sense to leave.

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