
I can no longer stand my supervisor and coworkers

I (26F) work as a legal assistant for my county’s PD. When I started, things appeared to go smoothly. But then we hire some new people and 1 of them gets on my constant nerves and it’s like suddenly everyone became on one. This coworker constantly picks on me saying im a nerd because I like geeky stuff. Sorry I have a more interesting life than you with your kids. I don’t have kids so I have all the time and money in the world to spend on myself. I travel often too. She’s just a bitter person who lost joy in life for some reason. Back to my supervisor who I can’t stand anymore. I requested time off in December for Christmas at least one day. It was like pulling teeth when I got that day approved because the supervisor tried to deny my request then approved it only…

I (26F) work as a legal assistant for my county’s PD. When I started, things appeared to go smoothly. But then we hire some new people and 1 of them gets on my constant nerves and it’s like suddenly everyone became on one. This coworker constantly picks on me saying im a nerd because I like geeky stuff. Sorry I have a more interesting life than you with your kids. I don’t have kids so I have all the time and money in the world to spend on myself. I travel often too. She’s just a bitter person who lost joy in life for some reason.

Back to my supervisor who I can’t stand anymore. I requested time off in December for Christmas at least one day. It was like pulling teeth when I got that day approved because the supervisor tried to deny my request then approved it only to make me feel bad that 1 coworker was going to cover for everyone out and she was going to be alone. I’ve been left alone before and nobody gave a crap. Im trying to ask for the upcoming holidays off because I didn’t get the chance to do that. My family lives far which requires plane travel. Everyone else’s family lives close. Im going to be livid if I can’t get it approved because Susan wants the holidays off for her kids.

Recently, I asked time off for an afternoon to go to a concert. It’s for a Tuesday, I figured it’s a random Tuesday that’s not around holidays or anything so no biggie right? Suddenly everyone and their grandma wanted the Tuesday off or had some sort of appt. Good thing I put my request in early and it got approved. My supervisor somehow “forgot” until someone else brought it up when they asked for the day off. Supervisor questioned the fact I was going to be out. Then she again made a comment that someone was going to be alone all day.

It’s infuriating that I can’t take time off without being made to feel bad or questioned. I honestly think im being discriminated with the time off crap because I don’t have kids. Those other coworkers have kids. She accommodates for them.

Im starting to look elsewhere for a job. I’ve never had a supervisor who was so petty.

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