
Why are corporate training videos so childish?

It's that time of the year were we are asked to go through the new set of training (propaganda) courses and videos. But I couldn't help but notice just how childish and patronising these videos are. Like, I get it, it's meant to be simple. But c'mon, I feel like I'm watching Dora the Explorer at times. What's up with telling us how an oil spill can affect the Gulf's ecosystem using clicky boxes and cartoonish imagery. Lmao.

It's that time of the year were we are asked to go through the new set of training (propaganda) courses and videos.

But I couldn't help but notice just how childish and patronising these videos are. Like, I get it, it's meant to be simple. But c'mon, I feel like I'm watching Dora the Explorer at times.

What's up with telling us how an oil spill can affect the Gulf's ecosystem using clicky boxes and cartoonish imagery. Lmao.

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