
Locked in a closet with boss and 10 coworkers

Welp my nightmare scenario is finally here and the school where I work is in lockdown and we are in the storage closet (I'm in the back behind everyone in the only safe spot because I'm the only one small enough to fit) Obviously nothing is severely wrong at the moment but they keep chattering and won't turn off their phone notifications or the lights so I am sitting here trying not to wish the worst….. Sorry for my dark humor but I might be in here a while and I'll have to turn my phone off soon to save the battery so… Just a regular American Tuesday I guess

Welp my nightmare scenario is finally here and the school where I work is in lockdown and we are in the storage closet (I'm in the back behind everyone in the only safe spot because I'm the only one small enough to fit)

Obviously nothing is severely wrong at the moment but they keep chattering and won't turn off their phone notifications or the lights so I am sitting here trying not to wish the worst…..

Sorry for my dark humor but I might be in here a while and I'll have to turn my phone off soon to save the battery so…

Just a regular American Tuesday I guess

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