
Reported sexual harassment HR no response

I invited a guy for drinks because I thought we were friends. He then asked to sleep with me saying he has feelings for me. I had no response I was shocked. We both left nothing happened and I started avoiding him. When he figured out I wasn’t going to sleep with him he became rude. Honestly he’s the domestic lead and although technically my boss i barely speak to him so I really didn’t care that he was rude as it didn’t effect me much. Until we were in a meeting and called me out saying I was the only one who hadn’t finished an assignment that’s due on April 24th. Its Tuesday, it’s due in a week. I’ve never been late on anything. He said it in front of everyone. That was it for me I emailed hr and told them what was going on. I’ve received no…

I invited a guy for drinks because I thought we were friends. He then asked to sleep with me saying he has feelings for me. I had no response I was shocked. We both left nothing happened and I started avoiding him. When he figured out I wasn’t going to sleep with him he became rude. Honestly he’s the domestic lead and although technically my boss i barely speak to him so I really didn’t care that he was rude as it didn’t effect me much. Until we were in a meeting and called me out saying I was the only one who hadn’t finished an assignment that’s due on April 24th. Its Tuesday, it’s due in a week. I’ve never been late on anything. He said it in front of everyone. That was it for me I emailed hr and told them what was going on. I’ve received no response from hr in a few days. What should I do. Honestly I want to punch this man in the balls. What a looser.

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