
Had a weird ass interview a bit ago

Not sure if I can post this here or not, but wanted to share my story about this: I was job hunting a bit ago, as many of us do, and was recommended to apply for a position at this one company. So I went ahead and applied for a position there. A couple days later, I had the interview with the manager of the region that I lived in. Not even 5 minutes in, this was our discussion word for word: Manager: So your resume says you live in Illinois? Me: That’s correct. Manager: You realize you applied for a position in Iowa, right? Me: Yes? (This was where I was kinda confused. I know what I applied for lol). Manager: For this position you would need to live pretty close, like 15-30 minutes away. Me: Oh I was planning on moving if I had the right opportunity. (If…

Not sure if I can post this here or not, but wanted to share my story about this:

I was job hunting a bit ago, as many of us do, and was recommended to apply for a position at this one company. So I went ahead and applied for a position there. A couple days later, I had the interview with the manager of the region that I lived in. Not even 5 minutes in, this was our discussion word for word:

Manager: So your resume says you live in Illinois?

Me: That’s correct.

Manager: You realize you applied for a position in Iowa, right?

Me: Yes? (This was where I was kinda confused. I know what I applied for lol).

Manager: For this position you would need to live pretty close, like 15-30 minutes away.

Me: Oh I was planning on moving if I had the right opportunity. (If I had the job, that is).

Manager: No, that won’t do. You could apply for positions in the Chicago area since you live closer to there than here.

Me: Uhh I don’t think you realize that the position in the location that I applied for is closer for me than the Chicagoland area.

Manager: Oh, uh well I just don’t think it would work. Have a nice day and good luck.

Then he leaves the call. I sit there dumbfounded about what just happened. Now keep in mind, I was living in Illinois at the time, and this job was in Iowa. It would have been an hour from where I lived to the place in Iowa. Compared to double the time I would need to drive to Chicago/Chicagoland area AND dealing with traffic, which would add more time.

I went and searched this nitwits profile on LinkedIn and said that he lives in Texas, which meant he had no idea how close I really was to Iowa. Just super bizarre and a waste of my time, especially when I was panicking and desperate for a job…

Oh he also said Illinois with an s, thought I’d mention that too lmao.

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