
Protested for a raise a few months ago, they just undid it during a merger

Been with a start up that has largely been incompetent since day 1 making slot games for 3-4 years. Only 3 us in the entire company actually knew how to make games and were drastically underpaid for our jobs (coders and technical animators), meanwhile management people that had no idea what they were doing and often causing massive disasters in getting our games out were well over the 100k mark. We protested for more and after a long struggle of empty promises, finally got it. After awhile they brought in another 6 figure salary guy that works part time, micromanaged the coders into a point they quit, leaving me…the sole person who knows anything about making games. The last brain cell in the company… Today they merged with the failing sisters company I used to work for and went over pay. They decided to drop me 25k and now my…

Been with a start up that has largely been incompetent since day 1 making slot games for 3-4 years. Only 3 us in the entire company actually knew how to make games and were drastically underpaid for our jobs (coders and technical animators), meanwhile management people that had no idea what they were doing and often causing massive disasters in getting our games out were well over the 100k mark. We protested for more and after a long struggle of empty promises, finally got it. After awhile they brought in another 6 figure salary guy that works part time, micromanaged the coders into a point they quit, leaving me…the sole person who knows anything about making games. The last brain cell in the company…

Today they merged with the failing sisters company I used to work for and went over pay. They decided to drop me 25k and now my status as Art Director (or even Senior Technical Animator) is now back to grunt level. I'm literally the only person who knows 3D in the company after the merger and now … I'm not so sure this game is going to have its main 3D character attraction as I seem to have suddenly forgot how it works………..

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