So, my management has decided to cut peoples hours. As I’m sitting here, doing the math to see what I’ll be able to save of this check, I realize all I’ll have left for the next two weeks in my accounts as a whole after all my bills are paid: $59.16.
This is excluding groceries and other necessities. Just bills. Rent, car payment, car insurance, etc. Most of my other bills are not things I can afford to skip and just pay next check. I won’t be able to even afford groceries for my or my cat.
I’m in tears wondering how the hell anyone can survive or live like this. Why is it fucking okay to treat employees this way? When I see that another CEO has taken billions in “bonus” money for themselves, it makes me so irrationally angry.
I have been putting in applications like crazy for a second job and I haven’t found anything. I fucking hate it here. Fuck capitalism. Fuck this country. I’m so angry idk what to do.