
Started a new job this week, counting down the days until I’m laid off

All I want is consistent income without worrying about losing my job at any moment. Is that really too much to ask for? In my 12 years in the workforce, I'm now starting my 12th job and expecting to be let go from this job in 3-5 months. I can't even invest money because I need to continually replenish my savings to take the hit every time I'm laid off. There is just a disgusting lack of regard for people and I'm on the verge of just dropping out of society entirely because it's pointless to even try. Companies hire people as disposable mercenaries to meet short-term business demands and then let everyone go after the projects are completed. The last job I got laid off from, I was completely unphased by the announcement/meeting that everyone in the office would be losing their jobs. I was basically that one James…

All I want is consistent income without worrying about losing my job at any moment. Is that really too much to ask for? In my 12 years in the workforce, I'm now starting my 12th job and expecting to be let go from this job in 3-5 months. I can't even invest money because I need to continually replenish my savings to take the hit every time I'm laid off. There is just a disgusting lack of regard for people and I'm on the verge of just dropping out of society entirely because it's pointless to even try. Companies hire people as disposable mercenaries to meet short-term business demands and then let everyone go after the projects are completed.

The last job I got laid off from, I was completely unphased by the announcement/meeting that everyone in the office would be losing their jobs. I was basically that one James Franco meme saying “First Time?” at the gallows as everyone sobbed around me.

My dad has been calling me every month for the last two years to tell me he thinks he is going to lose his job. I simply remind him that he's been saying that for two years.

I don't know, maybe I'm just a bad employee or is the looming paranoia/threat of losing ones job pervasive throughout society?

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