
What do you need for an EEOC compliant in Georgia and what’s the process?

I work for a small company and my boss is truly awful. Whether it’s saying racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic comments daily or having occasional freak outs and yelling at employees, it’s definitely not a good workplace. I’m looking for another job, but I’m also tempted to file an EEOC complaint. For context, I’m starting to record some of my boss’ crazier and more offensive comments since Georgia is a one-party consent state for recordings and I want proof of his comments. If I decide to do this, what info would I need, what qualifies as a hostile work environment, and what would the process look like? I know I could probably find this info online, but this community is great for situations like this.

I work for a small company and my boss is truly awful. Whether it’s saying racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic comments daily or having occasional freak outs and yelling at employees, it’s definitely not a good workplace. I’m looking for another job, but I’m also tempted to file an EEOC complaint. For context, I’m starting to record some of my boss’ crazier and more offensive comments since Georgia is a one-party consent state for recordings and I want proof of his comments.

If I decide to do this, what info would I need, what qualifies as a hostile work environment, and what would the process look like? I know I could probably find this info online, but this community is great for situations like this.

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