I saw a very simple and straight-forward sticker in town at a stoplight, nearly everyday, that read, “Form a Union.” — and loved the simplicity of it. That's the inspiration for this which will hopefully inspire more to do the same – or have some sent to you.
If you want some, DM me and I'll be happy to send some at no cost. You can also get the .jpg here https://ibb.co/tpXR1gb if you want to order some yourself. I've found 123stickers.com to be the cheapest, fwtw.
You can see the link tree at https://linktr.ee/formaunion.
The power just a little reminder, a little message like what's represented here can make a really, really BIG difference. I stopped at the aforementioned stoplight nearly everyday and it's led to this – and a more resolute desire to take part in strengthening unions and workers' rights generally speaking. There's truly no telling what a network of people placing stickers up across the nation/world can do in the short and long run.
The wings of a butterfly…