
Job added additional role after I accepted

I am working for a company that is integrating into another one that bought us out. This process has been happening for about 2 years now and it has been messy. We are not fully integrated yet so we are still operating as two different companies with jointed communication. This means that the other company won’t get access to our systems but we are slowly getting access to theirs to align with their processes. I was asked if I’d be interested in making a lateral move (which means no extra pay) into the new companies equivalent position (this is going to happen at some point anyway) so we sent up a meeting to go over the job roles and they’re basically the same as what I do currently except I just need training on their systems and some policies / procedures. I agreed to make this move and met with…

I am working for a company that is integrating into another one that bought us out. This process has been happening for about 2 years now and it has been messy. We are not fully integrated yet so we are still operating as two different companies with jointed communication. This means that the other company won’t get access to our systems but we are slowly getting access to theirs to align with their processes. I was asked if I’d be interested in making a lateral move (which means no extra pay) into the new companies equivalent position (this is going to happen at some point anyway) so we sent up a meeting to go over the job roles and they’re basically the same as what I do currently except I just need training on their systems and some policies / procedures. I agreed to make this move and met with the team to announce the news. Now everyone knows I’m moving over in a couple months or so. A week after the announcement I was scheduled for a meeting about a special type of account my current company has which has an entire dedicated team that works on these accounts. Management decided to move these special accounts over to the team I’m moving into as a way to better align sooner rather than later. The catch is they have now advised me that I will be the only person handling the billing for these accounts since I have access to the current systems they are part of and the team I’m moving to won’t get access so it’s up to me to take these on or “take ownership” as they like to put it. During the meeting where we talked about this they didn’t make it obvious to me until the end of the call where they told the current person working the billing for these accounts that I would be the person they’ll train for these special accounts and to make a training guide for me specifically in the next few days. I had a meeting with this person today, just me and them, and I finally processed what was going on. I messaged my manager to let them know that I didn’t realize that I would be the only one they expect to take these accounts on and that I will need more compensation for this since it wasn’t mentioned to me before I accepted this position and it’s not what I signed up for (I didn’t sign any papers or anything legally bound). They said they’ll set up a meeting with the other company managers next week to talk about this. I’m coming here to ask for some advice or talking points I can bring up in the meeting to get the best outcome with this.
Anything is appreciated!

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