
Do you think this warrants this behaviour?

So my husband had applied to several jobs yesterday and got contacted by all of them. The one guy called him and asked him a date and a time that would work. My husband chose Saturday even though the guy already works all week running his own business and chose a location downtown where they could get a coffee and talk. The owner seemed really interested in my husbands experience and practically said he was going to hire him and how he was eager for new people that could start right away. They even briefly discussed wages on the phone last night. This morning I told my husband that it would have made more sense for him to ask to have the interview today since the owner who was doing the interview had already told my husband they have short days on Friday, so the man could enjoy his weekend…

So my husband had applied to several jobs yesterday and got contacted by all of them. The one guy called him and asked him a date and a time that would work. My husband chose Saturday even though the guy already works all week running his own business and chose a location downtown where they could get a coffee and talk. The owner seemed really interested in my husbands experience and practically said he was going to hire him and how he was eager for new people that could start right away. They even briefly discussed wages on the phone last night.

This morning I told my husband that it would have made more sense for him to ask to have the interview today since the owner who was doing the interview had already told my husband they have short days on Friday, so the man could enjoy his weekend after working all week.

The second reason I thought today would be better was my husbands current job has had him laid off for 4 months and my husbands tools etc are still there and his current employer is being ridiculous about when he can come get them. There’s also the possibility that another one of his coworkers who hasn’t been laid off has taken them or damaged them. My dad offered to pay for my husbands new tools and new work boots if he needed for a new job. So the sooner we find out if my husband got the job the better. As there was some impression it might be this Monday. Which would have been amazing because we need the money. So if he started on Monday we would need to go out of town to get some work gear.

Third reason being is we have planned to have Easter dinner with my family this Monday. We had to cancel it on actual Easter due to people being sick and all of my family lives a few hours away from each other. So if my husband did need to start Monday and use our only vehicle I would need to find a ride to my family’s house. And I don’t want to wait last minute to have a new plan in place if necessary.

I also suggested that he ask to switch the location of the meeting to the alternate coffee shop at the other side of town because they are doing street renovations downtown. And I’ve had had my car damaged twice because of driving down around there. One time my tire needed to be completely replaced resulting in me purchasing multiple tires due to a nail. And another time part of my front bumper was cracked from most of the road being torn up.

Also the ad my husband applied to was removed from online after the owner called him yesterday, which seemed like a really good sign that he basically had the job.

My husband ended up messaging the owner earlier today and said he was available today if today worked better for him and the owner replied with a time. After the owner replied my husband asked if they could meet at the other coffee spot due to the construction happening downtown. After that there was crickets my husband never got a reply. My husband texted him again an hour before his interview to see about the alternative location. Still no reply. My husband then went to both locations anyways to see if the owner was there and he wasn’t. So then my husband called him to ask if everything was okay or if he was just running late and his call wasn’t answered then my husband received a can I call you later text?

My husband waited 3 hours and still never heard anything so he texted him again and asked if everything was okay and if they should just follow through with the initial interview tomorrow. Still no reply.

Do you think the owners behaviour has something to do with my advice to my husband? I feel guilty like it’s my fault because I basically forced my husband to try to change it. I really don’t think there was anything wrong with giving the owner the option to change the interview to today. The way the message was worded gave him the option to do it today oppose to tomorrow. It wasn’t worded like my husband was being demanding or entitled. And I feel like asking to move the location made more sense because downtown is a nightmare right now. I understand that emergencies happen and maybe that is the case here but I feel so annoyed and frustrated because a part of me feels deep down that this was just a case of unprofessionalism. I think it’s really unprofessional. Even if the owner decided to go in another direction he could have communicated that, instead of wasting our time and getting my husband all excited.

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