
Looking for advice to help a friend

Back story: My friend has worked for this company’s front desk for like 7 years. They always pick up shifts, stay late when needed, only call out if they are sick and plan vacations well in advance. Basically, always thinking of the company and coworkers. The people they work with adore them. They have bounced around from different schedule times and my friend has never complained. There were two important positions (Admin assistant and accountant) that were left vacant in the last 6 of months. They moved one newer front desk person into one vacant position in November. Fast forward to the present: My friend’s boss pulled them aside and said that the person that they moved from the front desk is going to move back down and take the shifts that my friend is working. Their boss offered them evening shifts (which is less hours) or being let go……

Back story: My friend has worked for this company’s front desk for like 7 years. They always pick up shifts, stay late when needed, only call out if they are sick and plan vacations well in advance. Basically, always thinking of the company and coworkers. The people they work with adore them. They have bounced around from different schedule times and my friend has never complained. There were two important positions (Admin assistant and accountant) that were left vacant in the last 6 of months. They moved one newer front desk person into one vacant position in November.

Fast forward to the present: My friend’s boss pulled them aside and said that the person that they moved from the front desk is going to move back down and take the shifts that my friend is working. Their boss offered them evening shifts (which is less hours) or being let go… They are shifting people into positions that benefit a few people instead of hiring new ones that fit the roles needed. My friend was told on Thursday that they need to have an answer by Monday.

There is a lot more frustrating drama with this company that makes this incident infuriating.

Basically, I’m hoping there is someone out there that can help me help them. My first reaction is to tell the company no. They would then be forced to accommodate my friend or fire them which allows them to collect unemployment while they job hunt. I also think that my friend should get this exchange in writing so it’s all on record.

We are grateful for any advice!

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