So I’m in a pickle. I’ve had my current full-time office job about a year, it’s a niche field that I have no particular interest in so I’ve been constantly job hunting – I finally got an offer for a part-time job that, even though it was an obvious pay decrease due to being part-time, I was going to take it because it was more aligned with the field I want more experience in. I worked out a start date with the new job that would have been about a month from now. So I told my boss that I would be leaving the company to pursue other interests, but that I really appreciated everything about working for him, he also said it was a pleasure working with me and bummed to see me go but he understands that’s just how business is. We worked out that I would help train my replacement for an easy transition.
Fast forward – the new job notified me that there were some “unprecedented changes” in their hiring plans and that the role will no longer be available to start anytime in the near future. Great! The panic started.
So then I pathetically asked my boss if there’s anything I can do to keep my job. He’s been a very understanding boss the whole time I’ve worked for him, but he (validly) explained that he already has interviews scheduled for my position and that since I made it clear this isn’t the field I want to stay in, he can’t keep me and have this same conversation in another month when I’m in a position to leave again. We’re also a very small startup company, so he doesn’t have any room to transfer me to a different department or anything like that. He’s sympathetic to my situation so I think he isn’t rushing to replace me by next week or anything, he also said I can list him as a reference in my job hunt, but I do know my time at the company has a definite end date that will come very soon.
So now I’m job hunting like crazy, which I’m sure you can all imagine how well it’s going with how the market is across the board right now. I’m stressed that I’ll have to go back to a part-time food service/retail job that will pay even less than the part-time plan I originally had. Also feeling stupid that I was maybe TOO transparent in telling him I’m leaving because I don’t think this field is a fit for me – if I hadn’t told him that, maybe I could have kept my current job?
Not sure if I have any specific question to ask here… any advice? Words of encouragement? Job offers (lol)?