
I plan to use my sick time more for more than being sick

I have a vacation bank and sick time bank. Vacation time accrues so damn slow. I’m trying to save all vacation time for future traveling. Sick time accrues faster. I have more hours in sick time than vacation time. I can use my sick time for medical appts besides being sick. I’ve decided I will say I have a medical appt for any other personal appt I got like car maintenance or other personal matters. Personal matters use up vacation time. Besides it’s not like every month I will have an appt for personal matters and actual medical matters. Even then they can’t tell me crap if for some reason when I legitimately have medical appts because I have anemia which requires checkup very often. If I have car trouble, I’m forced to use my vacation time. Say I want to come in later until I figure out what’s wrong…

I have a vacation bank and sick time bank. Vacation time accrues so damn slow. I’m trying to save all vacation time for future traveling. Sick time accrues faster. I have more hours in sick time than vacation time.

I can use my sick time for medical appts besides being sick. I’ve decided I will say I have a medical appt for any other personal appt I got like car maintenance or other personal matters. Personal matters use up vacation time. Besides it’s not like every month I will have an appt for personal matters and actual medical matters. Even then they can’t tell me crap if for some reason when I legitimately have medical appts because I have anemia which requires checkup very often.

If I have car trouble, I’m forced to use my vacation time. Say I want to come in later until I figure out what’s wrong with my car. I’m forced to use vacation time. I much rather not get paid for the time out but management is so bent on forcing us to use any hours we accrued specially vacation in this case. Okay fine i will call in sick then and take the day to figure out what’s wrong with my car. I Can get away with this because it’s not an often thing. I had to use 4 hours of vacation time a while ago because I had to leave early to get a rock chip repair that wasn’t even my damn fault.

Mental health day? I will call in sick that my stomach hurts. I often have stomach issues but it doesn’t get too bad that requires call out all the time. This happens very rarely. I honestly think too my stomach issues gotta do with my anxiety.

Yeah I plan to use my sick time hours for other things. I don’t plan on telling anyone. It’s not a reoccurring thing anyways so I can get away with it. I know someone who pretended to be sick to not come to work because they were bored.

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