
Collecting checks with wanton coasting – Need Advice!

38/F. No kids, unmarried. The situation is that I'm currently in a job (software) that pays extremely well (over 120K) but requires me to do virtually nothing. This is a senior level position but I have no direct reports. I fly solo and I'm accountable to no one. My boss is hands-off and I don't have 1 on 1's with him. I'm two timezones away and work from home so I often find myself just taking the few meetings I do have from bed since I don't need to actually speak. I don't even go to my desk anymore — I pretty much just keep up appearances from my phone (Slack, Outlook). The problem is I'm lonely, disconnected, bored, and I do actually feel really guilty for this level of wanton coasting. This is a career I've worked hard to forge and while I fear I'm losing my edge, my…

38/F. No kids, unmarried. The situation is that I'm currently in a job (software) that pays extremely well (over 120K) but requires me to do virtually nothing. This is a senior level position but I have no direct reports. I fly solo and I'm accountable to no one. My boss is hands-off and I don't have 1 on 1's with him. I'm two timezones away and work from home so I often find myself just taking the few meetings I do have from bed since I don't need to actually speak. I don't even go to my desk anymore — I pretty much just keep up appearances from my phone (Slack, Outlook).

The problem is I'm lonely, disconnected, bored, and I do actually feel really guilty for this level of wanton coasting.

This is a career I've worked hard to forge and while I fear I'm losing my edge, my current resume is bussin' (as the kids say) and I've never had a real problem finding work (I've been through several layoffs). I'm actually extremely good at what I do and I interview well.

But at this point I just collect checks.

So, with all that being said, I'd be stupid to leave, right? Right?

Do I ride this shit out? Or do I look for a more rewarding job elsewhere?

Am I a POS for just not caring? Is this textbook “silent quitting?”

I need guidance here!

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