
Hello Depressed Person Here.

Obviously you can see why This subreddit calls to me. I just need help in finding out recourses to make better money or make money while only working minimal hours. Working adds to my depression, I can not separate myself from work i have had this issue for many years (26) It hurts me to be inauthentic and to noticeably be socially ostracized at work because I’m just not mentally in the same theatrical act as everyone else at work. I can not eat it up or suck it up or have tough skin anymore I am mentally beat and one way or another i Psych myself out and leave jobs because the pressure becomes overwhelming and ontop of that the knowledge that this is how i have to spend my life with little to no support to actually extend on my passions hurts me greatly i am on my…

Obviously you can see why This subreddit calls to me. I just need help in finding out recourses to make better money or make money while only working minimal hours.
Working adds to my depression, I can not separate myself from work i have had this issue for many years (26) It hurts me to be inauthentic and to noticeably be socially ostracized at work because I’m just not mentally in the same theatrical act as everyone else at work. I can not eat it up or suck it up or have tough skin anymore I am mentally beat and one way or another i Psych myself out and leave jobs because the pressure becomes overwhelming and ontop of that the knowledge that this is how i have to spend my life with little to no support to actually extend on my passions hurts me greatly i am on my own with anxiety and depression this makes regular stress for average people like x10 greater.

I change jobs every 3months or 6months And I know this has to do with my depression above with the mindset workplaces follow under. I am not a lazy worker, I Am a hard worker But it is so difficult to work hard for a company that treats everyone as stock. It hurts It makes me panic especially when i feel i am worth so much more. What are the recourses i can cling to ? I am creative and do graphic design and photography and I draw but I genuinely just need better money some how without having to work a shitty wage job that will take more of my time than allow me to actually live a fulfilling life that makes me mental health better.

I don’t know what to do my brother and I both feel the same in this regard he is also smart I want better for him too What can I do ?

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