
My bosses don’t want to give me too much power

We have had a system that puts projects under each individuals designated number. Under previous managers I have done work under their number. However over the years I have moved up and received my own number. Now without warning they have hired a new middle manager and taken all of the jobs that were under my number and put them under the new guys. This does not make sense to me as I am the one who sold the projects and have done a majority of the work on them. They say it's not about “credit.” However, if it's not tied to my number to me it looks like the new guy has done a ton of work even though it's just being stolen from me in my eyes. I have brought this up to higher management, however, this isn't the first time this has happened and I'm tired of…

We have had a system that puts projects under each individuals designated number. Under previous managers I have done work under their number. However over the years I have moved up and received my own number. Now without warning they have hired a new middle manager and taken all of the jobs that were under my number and put them under the new guys. This does not make sense to me as I am the one who sold the projects and have done a majority of the work on them. They say it's not about “credit.” However, if it's not tied to my number to me it looks like the new guy has done a ton of work even though it's just being stolen from me in my eyes. I have brought this up to higher management, however, this isn't the first time this has happened and I'm tired of this run around.

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