So my dad is retired and to keep himself busy, he got a job a Lowe’s. Cool right? He’s been there I think for about a year and he does enjoy it. He worked in construction all his life so he definitely knows his way around a hardware store.
I don’t get to see much of my dad since he lives in a different state. I always book my trips in advance to give him ample time to let his employer know. I told him two weeks ago that I was going to come up in the end of July, so that’s what? 3 months notice? He was only needing to take 3 days off, so for any smart, competent manager, this should have been no problem, right? Wrong….
Lowe’s denied his time off. 3 days off, 3 months in advance! Wtf?! So my dad said fuck it and put his notice in. Good luck to Lowe’s to find coverage now. If a manager cannot figure out coverage 3 months in advance, then maybe you shouldn’t be a manager.