
I’m either getting fired or laid off

A coworker got laid off today and my boss said that our jobs are all safe (lies) they didn’t report it to the warn act. Hr was the youngest at his job and now I’m the youngest. We are already 4 people short and I’m at 6 months and they already have me doing 3 peoples job, because s bunch of people quite. Now I’ll have to do more work? I actually won’t be able to keep up with deadlines. I see the writing on the wall. In Colorado you aren’t eligible for unemployment for low performance. If I get laid off great. But if I get fired I’m f”ed. I don’t have enough time to find a job before shit hits the fan. I mean I’ll start looking today but no garuntees. How to I minimize impact? How do I get laid off instead of fired? I feel like…

A coworker got laid off today and my boss said that our jobs are all safe (lies) they didn’t report it to the warn act. Hr was the youngest at his job and now I’m the youngest. We are already 4 people short and I’m at 6 months and they already have me doing 3 peoples job, because s bunch of people quite. Now I’ll have to do more work? I actually won’t be able to keep up with deadlines. I see the writing on the wall. In Colorado you aren’t eligible for unemployment for low performance. If I get laid off great. But if I get fired I’m f”ed. I don’t have enough time to find a job before shit hits the fan. I mean I’ll start looking today but no garuntees. How to I minimize impact? How do I get laid off instead of fired? I feel like they are purposefully putting me in a corner. I’m the only one in the office who refuses to kiss the feet my boss walks on.

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