
Why is WFH good long term??

Can someone please explain to my why working from home is the best thing. I honestly don’t understand how its good long term. small mom and pop shops are dying because people no longer commute to work so they don’t eat or buy from them, transit agencies are slashing busses and train runs and downsizing because people don’t use them anymore, crime is increasing in downtown areas because less people there means more opportunities to commit crimes without being seen or caught. Not to mention cities losing tax revenue so they have to start cutting city services because companies are no longer renting office space. Just this week we almost lost library funding here in NYC because of less tax revenue from office space. In every way possible i see work from home as a terrible idea. The point of living in a society is to contribute to it and…

Can someone please explain to my why working from home is the best thing. I honestly don’t understand how its good long term.

small mom and pop shops are dying because people no longer commute to work so they don’t eat or buy from them, transit agencies are slashing busses and train runs and downsizing because people don’t use them anymore, crime is increasing in downtown areas because less people there means more opportunities to commit crimes without being seen or caught.

Not to mention cities losing tax revenue so they have to start cutting city services because companies are no longer renting office space. Just this week we almost lost library funding here in NYC because of less tax revenue from office space.

In every way possible i see work from home as a terrible idea. The point of living in a society is to contribute to it and make the economy function all together.

People complain about their cities losing their charm and small businesses dying and being replaced by boring chain restaurants and stores but how can you expect them to stay alive if you don’t spend your money there.

In every way possible i see WFH as a terrible idea that benefits no one but yourself. I see it as the most selfish thing ever. I fully support returning to office.

Im willing to hear the other side out and understand the side I’m not seeing

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