
Wealth is the problem.

Whodathunk? Money is the single biggest issue in the world. Why? Because money brings power. The more money you have, the more power you have. Riches are completely unnecessary, and drive the upper 1% to crush us further to the point we cannot fight back. They hoard the money they get, and fuck everyone else. That money trickles from their hands, to the government's hands, where the rich are telling the government, “You will do what we tell you.” The Corporations doing the same, “You will do what we tell you.” The government doing the same to us, “You will do what we tell you.” Wait, isn't it a government, FOR the people? No. It's a government, for the corporations, who are for the wealthy. A government that divides us with race, transphobia, and anything else they can get their grimy big hands on, to the point we fight amongst…


Money is the single biggest issue in the world. Why? Because money brings power.

The more money you have, the more power you have. Riches are completely unnecessary, and drive the upper 1% to crush us further to the point we cannot fight back.

They hoard the money they get, and fuck everyone else.

That money trickles from their hands, to the government's hands, where the rich are telling the government, “You will do what we tell you.”

The Corporations doing the same, “You will do what we tell you.”

The government doing the same to us, “You will do what we tell you.”

Wait, isn't it a government, FOR the people? No. It's a government, for the corporations, who are for the wealthy.

A government that divides us with race, transphobia, and anything else they can get their grimy big hands on, to the point we fight amongst ourselves, instead of us fighting the good fight; together.

United we stand,
Divided we fall.

Until we stand together, NONE of this will change.

Stand up with your neighbor, stand up with your coworkers, stand with your peers, stand with eachother; because the only way we win this is to STAND TOGETHER.

Tired of this? We are too. The fighting with eachother is pointless, and proves one critical point; that we are divided.


Edit – I'm in this with YOU. Comment, question, converse. I am more than willing to talk, even if you feel something here is wrong. I'll give my opinion, but will also welcome yours.

I will not tolerate division. Instead of feeding it I'll just ignore it. We have to work together so it's an open discussion.

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