
Am I being pay discriminated?

I have been working for more than four years for my company. More than 6 months ago I was “promoted” to shift lead. This position is normally just a babysitter job to keep the machines running. There have been at least five people that have been in that position since I have worked there. One person who still works there is paid three dollars more an hour than I am and he has been in and out of lead positions as needed. The person who I took over for had to do the babysitting and some programming but most of the programs were made by another person. I was sorta trained on how to program but I also have CAD experience from school so it wasn't a giant leap with the niche software. About a month or so in they haven't given me a pay raise. I thought that maybe…

I have been working for more than four years for my company. More than 6 months ago I was “promoted” to shift lead. This position is normally just a babysitter job to keep the machines running. There have been at least five people that have been in that position since I have worked there.
One person who still works there is paid three dollars more an hour than I am and he has been in and out of lead positions as needed. The person who I took over for had to do the babysitting and some programming but most of the programs were made by another person. I was sorta trained on how to program but I also have CAD experience from school so it wasn't a giant leap with the niche software.
About a month or so in they haven't given me a pay raise. I thought that maybe they were giving me a trial period for the position. Then they lay off half of the crew because they failed to renegotiate a contract with a buyer. There was was fear that there would be more people leaving so they said they would give everyone a cost of living increase. I was promised that I would also get a pay raise. I saw the COL but no raise. I asked and asked. Boss said that there was a pay increase freeze. The person who programed quit so I ended taking over that position and the maintenance guy is sometimes nowhere to be found so I have to do his job too.

TLDR: Working three maybe four persons jobs and getting paid for one

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