
Can we get a ban on “I asked an AI chat bot X” posts?

Aside from the fact that there's already a rule against low effort content, AI chat bots are essentially glorified predictive text algorithms. At best, they're only able to determine what is true by guessing based on popularity and recycle existing ideas, and at worst – no, still the best they can do is spread shitty ideas because the literal best they can do is to take someone else's decent idea and randomly combine it with other decent ideas and hope that somehow you get a good idea by randomly mixing two mediocre ones. They contribute less than nothing to this, or any, conversation. By actively robbing people of the need, desire, or ability to form coherent ideas on their own, they necessarily make the average participant of a given conversation dumber.

Aside from the fact that there's already a rule against low effort content, AI chat bots are essentially glorified predictive text algorithms. At best, they're only able to determine what is true by guessing based on popularity and recycle existing ideas, and at worst – no, still the best they can do is spread shitty ideas because the literal best they can do is to take someone else's decent idea and randomly combine it with other decent ideas and hope that somehow you get a good idea by randomly mixing two mediocre ones.

They contribute less than nothing to this, or any, conversation. By actively robbing people of the need, desire, or ability to form coherent ideas on their own, they necessarily make the average participant of a given conversation dumber.

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