
Salaried worker being expected to work 50+ hours a week…

Hello everyone! So as the title states, I am currently a salaried employee making around $49k a year. I work in the hospitality industry and my directors and HR have stated that the expectation is to work 50 hours a week. Because of this, I basically get paid the same as a supervisor in my department. If I were being paid as a supervisor in my department and worked 50 hours a week, I’d make around $52k a year with OT included. So needless to say, I am frustrated. Also, if I were to take an extra day off and have 3 days off, I have to utilize my PTO even though I am still working 40 hours that week. When I was initially hired, I was told that there were days that we would leave later and there were going to be slow days where I could leave early.…

Hello everyone! So as the title states, I am currently a salaried employee making around $49k a year. I work in the hospitality industry and my directors and HR have stated that the expectation is to work 50 hours a week. Because of this, I basically get paid the same as a supervisor in my department. If I were being paid as a supervisor in my department and worked 50 hours a week, I’d make around $52k a year with OT included. So needless to say, I am frustrated. Also, if I were to take an extra day off and have 3 days off, I have to utilize my PTO even though I am still working 40 hours that week. When I was initially hired, I was told that there were days that we would leave later and there were going to be slow days where I could leave early. I have been in this position for 6 months and I have yet to leave work before 5pm (I come in at 7am). Honestly I am lucky if we leave before 5:45pm. Expressing my feelings about this to my directors and HR has just been met with “well I have to do it too and I don’t complain.”

I live in an expensive area and wages are going to be raised for all hourly employees starting in May. That would mean supervisors are making about $2 an hour more than me. The announcement for a manager salary increase basically stated that we received our merit increase already (which was around $300 for the entire year for me). I am currently trying to find another job. I used to work for a different hotel chain that had been in the works of starting the 4 10 hour days. Now I feel like a complete fool for ever leaving.

To add on to this, I live about an hour away (technically around 30 minutes but traffic is so bad) so around 12-13 hours of my day is working and commuting for work. It has become unbearable at this point. I want to rage quit everyday but I can’t afford to just quit without another job lined up.

Do you guys have any tips on how to cope with this??

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