
Long Rant about my Target’s Management

Context to start things off, i’ve been working for Target for about a year and three months now and seeing as my previous job had been Walmart, I figured I found a big upgrade. There’s this ETL (manager) that i’ll refer to as just “etl.” I have yet to meet a person in the store that can stand her, I jokingly asked a coworker my first couple weeks there if there was anyone I should watch out for and i didn’t even finish my statement before the looked at me and said “etl, she’s easily the worst manager i’ve ever dealt with.” Now since that whole joke a year ago I had a couple issues here and there with her but nothing major, the the time she was just a “oh she works today, that’s annoying” kind of boss, up until the past month or so. A couple fridays back…

Context to start things off, i’ve been working for Target for about a year and three months now and seeing as my previous job had been Walmart, I figured I found a big upgrade.
There’s this ETL (manager) that i’ll refer to as just “etl.” I have yet to meet a person in the store that can stand her, I jokingly asked a coworker my first couple weeks there if there was anyone I should watch out for and i didn’t even finish my statement before the looked at me and said “etl, she’s easily the worst manager i’ve ever dealt with.”

Now since that whole joke a year ago I had a couple issues here and there with her but nothing major, the the time she was just a “oh she works today, that’s annoying” kind of boss, up until the past month or so.

A couple fridays back from today (04/28/2023), a lead (which is like basically just a whack version of a department manager I guess), who i’ll refer to as TL, let’s me know that the soap is out in the ladies restroom. For another “just in case” my job which is titled “guest attendant” is just a cart pusher and a janitor put together. Anyway i take her keys and check the stores outside storage like she asked and found nothing but had checked in our little cart pusher closet and found one. TL is on a register and on the register behind her is etl. So outside by yourself especially as someone with bad adhd is awful so naturally i pop in an airpod and just do my job no harm no foul it’s only one so i can hear cars and the radio i case anyone calls for me. That in mind while i’m relaying the info to TL of only finding one soap container, etl interrupts me and begins yelling at me about my airpod in front of everyone, so i side eyed her and talked over her to finish my statement then when i was done i took out the airpod. While technically we’re not supposed to have airpods while clocked no one really cares, i usually take them oout before i come inside but i was rushing and it was off so i forgot it was in my ear. The next day etl pulls me into HR in the middle of my shift to tell me i have a “final warning” for the airpod. Convenient how the time i give you an attitude back is when i get a final warning on something.

Fast forward to a couple days ago, and i’m doing my cart thing and i start feeling really bad. More context i have epilepsy and recently i’ve had a few moments where i’ve had real bad flair ups and feel like i’m about to have a seizure and i refuse to work under these conditions. So at the time TL had just gone on lunch and etl was watching the lanes, i’m still upset about the airpod thing and really don’t want to talk to her but i’m much more worried about not having a seizure and splitting my head open on concrete and dying or something like that. I walk up to her and tell her i’m leaving, her immediate response was “did you put your two weeks in already or something” that and the fact that she hadn’t looked up from her device once should’ve immediately told me how this was gonna go. I tell her no i’m just leaving rn cause i feel like shit and my epilepsy is acting up bad. She proceeds to lecture me about how i should be asking her not telling her it’s about respect and how you approach people, the whole time i can feel myself getting closer to a seizure. So im kind of panicking at this point and im also mind blown at the sheer audacity of this woman and i say no im telling you im leaving i almost had a seizure outside rn and i don’t feel safe working like this. After all this she tells me that she “hopes i have a plan” because im on or close to my final warning for this. Again, still on the verge of a seizure and still mind blown over what im hearing. Finally after her rant she tells me to make sure to bring the cart pusher in and turn my stuff in the tells me to “drive safe” which anyone how had a basic understanding of what seizures are knows why that’s problematic.

ps. etl all of her horrible attitude and treatment of me specially started almost immediately when i finally told her about my pregnant fiancé which was about a month and a half ago.

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