What I need to know is what are the overtime laws in BC
I drive truck and get paid by the hour in BC. I have been working 60 hour weeks for the last 2 months. I looked at my pay stub today and I get paid 99 hours at my regular wage and then the overtime kicks in. I looked at my last 3 pay stubs, same thing. I thought anything over 80 hours was overtime. I'm out about $350 a week in wages. We are short handed at work and I'm a team player and will go the extra mile (pun intended). I'm going to payroll on Monday and ask “whats up?” If I find out this is legal, well, I'm not doing any extra overtime anymore. My regular shift is 9-9 1/2 hours long and that was great. 12 hours? Include waking up and getting ready, winding down after work, I get 4-5 hours sleep.
Did I mention I'm over 60, 5 foot 4, 60KG, and the job is very physical, I do general freight and have to man handle everything, some skids weigh 1000KG or more with a hand jack. I don't get an electric to tailgate this shit.
I'm going to go into the dispatch office and explain things to my guy. Dispatch has been relying on me for the past 2 months to pick up the slack when I get back into town and it's going to be real hard to say what I want to say. But if I'm giving the company 19 hours of overtime a pay period, Thats not happening anymore.