
My Entire Restarant Quit Today

My entire fast food restaurant quit today, management and staff. It is so frustrating to work in an environment where everything is set up for failure. Corporate wants us to fail because the worse we do, the less the managers and and assistant managers get paid. No hours for labor, no equipment and then fuss at us when it takes a few seconds too long at the drive thru. Here's what really got me, though. On our town's Facebook, someone reports the restaurnt is closed. People start commenting, “No one wants to work anymore.”. WTH? Why do people always blame the employees? I work 2 jobs, 80 hours a week! And I quit because of the way I was treated and it's because, “I don't want to work.”?! F**k that!

My entire fast food restaurant quit today, management and staff. It is so frustrating to work in an environment where everything is set up for failure. Corporate wants us to fail because the worse we do, the less the managers and and assistant managers get paid. No hours for labor, no equipment and then fuss at us when it takes a few seconds too long at the drive thru.
Here's what really got me, though. On our town's Facebook, someone reports the restaurnt is closed. People start commenting, “No one wants to work anymore.”. WTH? Why do people always blame the employees? I work 2 jobs, 80 hours a week! And I quit because of the way I was treated and it's because, “I don't want to work.”?! F**k that!

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