
Boss said “I don’t need you” after I put in notice, so I called in sick and used my paid leave

TLDR: I quit, chef was pretty chill about it and offered to change my schedule to suit my transition. Then said the quiet part out loud so I called in sick on a saturday with two staff members out and got paid anyway, and I already have a better job. I wish I had more of an epic resolution to this story but I'm honestly okay with how things turned out. For context I've been in the industry for about 6 years and started working at this restaurant as a cook about 8 months ago. The pay was good but from the start I got all the worst jobs in the kitchen, which at first I was fine with as I was the new guy. I ran trash, did dishes, deep cleaned the locker area twice when business was slow, measured out ingredients for recipes I was not allowed to…

TLDR: I quit, chef was pretty chill about it and offered to change my schedule to suit my transition. Then said the quiet part out loud so I called in sick on a saturday with two staff members out and got paid anyway, and I already have a better job.

I wish I had more of an epic resolution to this story but I'm honestly okay with how things turned out. For context I've been in the industry for about 6 years and started working at this restaurant as a cook about 8 months ago. The pay was good but from the start I got all the worst jobs in the kitchen, which at first I was fine with as I was the new guy. I ran trash, did dishes, deep cleaned the locker area twice when business was slow, measured out ingredients for recipes I was not allowed to cook, swept mopped and scrubbed floors on a daily basis… You get the idea. I was told this would change but my quality of life at work barely improved.

The chef was obviously very experienced but micromanaged everyone at every opportunity which was hell on my anxiety. He always spoke loudly, publicly berated me a few times and rarely respected personal space. Left tools out and tacitly expected me to clean up after him. Often gave me direction by talking about me but not to me during conversations I wasn't involved in. Questioned my experience at every opportunity and soon had me questioning my own skills and worth, so I started taking interviews. Eventually I accepted a job for more money, flexible hours, a dental plan, 401k with a much more personally relatable chef who actually trusts me to do my job and I submitted notice wondering why I didn't do it sooner.

In a later conversation he offered to change my schedule so I could get more time in over there, and I said I could start whenever but I'd happily work any days he needed me to in the following week. He responded by saying “I don't need you. I appreciate your prep work but I'd prefer not to spend the labor” and I was almost shocked, but not really. I went home more pissed off than usual and debated calling in every day to use up the full week of paid sick leave I had, but in my state there's no obligation for an employer to pay out after you give notice.
Instead I texted him I'd be out sick today (for our busiest day of the week) and reminded him I had unused sick time and was not paid for the last day I was out sick three months ago; and that as my work was unnecessary I expected it wouldn't be an issue. It just so happens that today our sous chef and grill cook are on vacation but I'm sure it'll be fine 🙂 either way I truly don't care anymore. I got to use half my sick time which thankfully he didn't push back on and I already have a better job. But still fuck this entire situation

Today I took a nap, played video games and spent the whole day with my cat sleeping on my lap. I have a dinner date tonight, and after that a now former co-worker will be buying me drinks so I'm feeling good. Never forget your value and how you deserve to be treated in this corporate hellscape.

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