
An actual interaction I had with a customer today

Customer: Hey I just wanted to return some tile. I bought it awhile back. Me: Okay let me see if I can find it. Finds it So it looks like this was bought back in 2019. We have a 90 day return policy… Customer: Well it looks like you still sell it. Me: It’s actually discontinued and the other tile you brought in, while we do still sell it is outside the return period as well. Customer: At the other store they take back my returns all the time. I’m a builder with over 20 years experience. Me: Well that’s great and all but we actually use a third party service that verifies returns automatically and it can’t be overwritten by anyone… not even a store manager. Allow me to even show you and try to put it through. Scans everything Customer: Lemme stop you there I’m going to just…

Customer: Hey I just wanted to return some tile. I bought it awhile back.

Me: Okay let me see if I can find it. Finds it So it looks like this was bought back in 2019. We have a 90 day return policy…

Customer: Well it looks like you still sell it.

Me: It’s actually discontinued and the other tile you brought in, while we do still sell it is outside the return period as well.

Customer: At the other store they take back my returns all the time. I’m a builder with over 20 years experience.

Me: Well that’s great and all but we actually use a third party service that verifies returns automatically and it can’t be overwritten by anyone… not even a store manager. Allow me to even show you and try to put it through. Scans everything

Customer: Lemme stop you there I’m going to just go to the other store Rolls eyes

Me: Just trying to save you the drive over there sir but have a good one!

Customer: I’ll make sure to never come back to this store again!

I get paid $16 an hour to deal with these adult babies daily

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